Shanghai mooncake

Ingredients: Mould:
200g icing sugar, sifted
¼ teaspoon salt

300g butter, at room temperature but not too soft

1 big egg

½ teaspoon vanilla essence

½ teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon bicarbonate soda

480g plain flour, sifted

40g custard

1 tablespoon milk powder

1.2kg reduced sugar
lotus paste (store bought)

100g Chinese red dates, chopped

Egg wash:
1 egg yolk + 1 tablespoon milk
50g melon seeds



1. Using an electric beater fitted with a paddle attachment, beat icing sugar, salt and butter lightly.

2. Then beat in egg and vanilla essence.

3. Fold in the sifted flour and milk powder.

4. Divide into 70g portions.

To assemble:

1. Mix lotus paste with red dates and divide into 70g portions. =

2. Wrap the red date lotus paste in the dough and mould it into a dome shape with your hands before placing it onto a greased tray.

3. Press a few melon seeds onto the mooncake, apply a layer of egg wash over the surface and bake in pre-heated oven at 180°C for 15-20 minutes, or until golden brown.

4. Cool and cut into quarters.

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