1/3 c Sweet Rice flour
1/4 c Granulated Sugar
2 tbsp + 2 tsp almond powder
1/4 c Sliced pitted red dates
1/2 c Cold water
3 tbsp Cold milk, if needed
3 c Cold milk
1) In small bowl, mix Rice flour & almond powder; add cold water a little at a time to make a thick, smooth paste. Thin further with 1/2 cup of milk. Pour into heavy saucepan, add remaining milk, and slowly heat to just under boiling, stirring constantly.
2) Keep stirring to prevent lumping & burning. Turn off heat, cover & remove to cool place.You can prepare this first stage anytime ahead of dinner, keep covered & refrigerated. Pudding should be finished just before serving.
3) Just before serving, reheat pudding, stirring constantly. When Hot, add Sugar a little at a time. Keep stirring. Add sliced dates. Cook just under boiling point for 1 minute. Add extra milk if pudding becomes too thick: it should have consistency of melted Ice Cream. Pour into individual bowls & serve Hot.
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